A robot focused cluster, in a circular economy oriented company? It might sound strange, but it makes a lot of sense. Most of our projects focus on recycling and recovering, but on the top of the R-ladder you can find repair and re-use, which link perfect with HYPERIOS. Within this cluster we focus on robotizing and automating inspection, in order to reduce maintenance costs, make re-use possible and allow for tools to make circularity possible within the big infrastructure markets! Check out who we worked with below!
At CORE, we've integrated fine-tuned object detection models with the Rover Robotics Zero rover's ROS2 codebase, enabling it to follow individuals wearing specific safety gear or QR codes. Currently, we're enhancing path planning using fiducials, object avoidance, and GPS localization for mission planning and geofencing. Our focus is on data collection for asset management in the rail sector and NEN2767 inspections.
In the video, you'll see the rover following our CTO, Niels Bongers, detecting people, QR codes, and text, and showing its GPS location within a geofenced area.
The first project in HYPERIOS was focussed on helping Syracuse. Together with them we trained a SPOT, from Boston Dynamics, to show the first steps in geofencing, following feducials. A top of this we created the rudimentary systems needed to control SPOT from a distance, while being able to see what SPOT 'sees' by connecting the cameras to a remote desktop.
Right now we are working together with Syracuse, ProRail and Avular on taking the project to the next level, with the goal to make inspections in the rail sector a whole lot easier.
Apart from robotics, we focus a lot of integrating AI into new & existing user cases as well. An example of this is the Winnetou project, where we are developing a new system to help protect unguarded rail crossings, without having to make the large investments of guarded crossings (beams, lights and elaborate cabling).
We do this by combining different sensors like doppler radars and microphones to detect when a train is coming and simply link that to a signal post. Curious to see how that looks? Check out the view on the side.